The Power of Social Networks

 On Thursday, January 14, 2010  

Here's some interesting insight from high profile speakers at a TedMed conference that discuss how online social networks and open source models might be harnessed by institutions, patients and practitioners to transform healthcare in the future. Who knew that we could have soo much influence, just by being a part of a social network?

The Power of Social Networks 4.5 5 Unknown Thursday, January 14, 2010 Here's some interesting insight from high profile speakers at a TedMed conference that discuss how online social networks and open sourc...


  1. jaringan sosial tentu mempunyai kekuatan yg dahsyat, bukannya kita makhluk sosial?

  2. social network itu bagaikan suplemen bagi manusia yang notabene mahluk sosial dan social network yang terimplementasi ke social networking site ini ternyata cukup ampuh dalam berbagai hal, seperti berpromosi dan lain2 :)

  3. social network memang lagi booming, ada sisi manfaat dan sisi negatifnya. Tergantung bagaimana kita menyikapinya
